Sep 17, 2008

Hurricane Damage in Haiti

Four hurricanes within a span of a month have caused massive flooding in Haiti, sending local Rotarians scrambling to provide help for thousands displaced by the storms.
Our very own Past District Governor Bill Kromer of the Leavenworth Rotary Club, participates in annual humanitarian trips to Haiti providing much needed medical, educational and nutritional aid to the citizens.
The situation in Haiti is very bad and they need our help right away. Having made so many trips to Haiti, knowing the problems they face on a daily basis and the extreme contitions these people are now facing, Bill is once again extending his knowledge of the area, people, politics and contacts he has made throughout the years to direct aid where he knows it will be used to help people and not be wasted.
Lets all join in this effort and send what we can to help the suffering in Haiti. Send the collected funds to (checks payable to: District 5710) our District Treasurer, Stan Teeter (address in the District Directory or on the District website). Indicate Haiti Relief on the memo of your check.
RI website story on Haiti:

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